SWO Paper Minimum Word Count: 750 words reading and writing You have been given


By Frank E. Cavitt

Important - Read this before proceeding

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SWO Paper
Minimum Word Count: 750 words
reading and writing
You have been given an article to analyze and evaluate. As you read “Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgment” by Heilbroner, think about the author’s argument, main points, support, and evidence. As a writer, you need to analyze and evaluate the article related to its strengths, weaknesses, and missed opportunities:
§  Strengths: What does the author do to make you trust his points and evidence? How does he effectively appeal to his readers? Where does the author use strong reasoning and evidence to support his points and argument? Be sure to explain why these are strengths.
§  Weaknesses: Where in the article are there points or evidence that could be argued against? Where are there gaps in his logic or reasoning? Where could he provide more support for his argument? Be sure to explain why these are weaknesses.
§  Opportunities: Based on your own experiences and the experiences of others, where does the author miss opportunities to strengthen his argument? What is missing? What could he have discussed, or what could he have discussed even further? Be sure to explain why these are missed opportunities.
Depending on your evaluation of the article, keep in mind that multiple paragraphs could cover strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Do not fall into the formulaic, mental trap of creating just one paragraph each for strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. For example, if you think the article has a number of weaknesses, you might spend three paragraphs of your paper on weaknesses.
Citing Sources
You need to use introductory phrases/signal phrases when paraphrasing and quoting sources (use present tense), and you also need to provide in-text citations when paraphrasing and quoting materials (page numbers in parentheses) in MLA Style.
A Successful SWO Paper
§  Interests the reader with a strong introduction that connects to “Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgment” while briefly (one or two sentences) summarizing the article
§  Presents a clear and assertive thesis that articulates your evaluation of the article either at the end of the first paragraph or as the second paragraph of the paper
§  Supports its thesis statement through details, examples, reasoning, and explanation
§  Offers a conclusion that provides closure for the paper in an interesting manner rather than
just simply repeating the thesis and the paper’s main points
§  Paraphrases and integrates quotations effectively, smoothly, and ethically through appropriate
introductory phrases and in-text citations in MLA Style
§  Has focused and unified paragraphs
§  Refrains from using the formulaic and boring five-paragraph essay structure
§  Exhibits strong concision, cohesion, transitions, and sentence variety in length and type
§  Does not have editing errors that distract the reader or disrupt the meaning of sentences
§  Is relatively free of mechanical and proofreading errors
and lastly i would appreciate the work back in a pdf file from word document.