Introduction that uses one of the devices discussed in class (anecdote, good que


By Frank E. Cavitt

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Introduction that uses one of the devices discussed in class (anecdote, good question, quotation, striking fact, problem or dilemma) and includes the introduction type and the transition to the thesis
Thesis that answers the research question and is stated as the last sentence of the introduction paragraph
Multiple paragraphs of support incorporating research and arguing your main point
Address one counterargument (include both required signal phrases-one to signal that you are providing a counterargument and one to introduce your rebuttal of it) and concede truth, show how it is flawed, or offer compromises
Three scholarly sources, synthesized and integrated
MLA format for parenthetical citations and works cited page
Conclusion should not simply restate your thesis. Your paper should end with a conclusion the revisits, but not restates, your thesis. Leave the reader with something to think about. Answer the “so what?” question.